Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003
I AM A SEX GOD! Feel my wrath!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~!! NO NO NO NO!! DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMMIT! THIS CAN'T BE~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! ... Built up frustration. ^^

I was completely unproductive today! GO ME!

THERE! I posted it!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" is what I was screaming to myself as I dragged my carcass out of bed. Man, is my body stiff. Think I'll have to steal the heat blanket from my parents... Muscles... very stiff. ::ow ow ow ow::

I know why I'm the way I am! I was born on the year of the Cock! ... ... Okay, now I'm pushing it. ^^ ... does this make me emo? =p

Oh my GOD! Roo opened the bedroom door slightly... I look over. Nothing. Then she popped in the head or little stuffed piggy. ... IT WAS SO FUCKING CUTE! ... Well, you just had to been there. It put a big smile on my face. ^_^ ... PIGGY!

Damn, is my job taking a toll on my body again. I've gotta learn to take breaks every hour. Been working hard doing all the computer geek jobs but I come home so fried now. My brain just doesn't want to function... minus the sexual urges as posted below... nor do I want to do much. I had plans tonight but I just came home, took a luke-warm shower, and crashed. I'm awake again, but now lack that motivation. Dag nabbit. I was oddly excited as I gave my input to the bosses and told them how I see things should be done. I guess cause I don't have to worry about speaking my mind about the business with them. Course, everyone picks on me like I'm the teachers' pet. Meanies. =p But yeah... I'll have to post my calendar later which is booked for the next 3 months. @.o; ... Damn... now I'm hungry. o.o;

BAH! Nintendo pushed back the release date of Sword of Mana by 3 months!!!!

Oh yeah, SquareEnix was suppose to make a big game announcement last week. I hope it's not this. ^^;

Well, it's that time of the month for me. Well, not horrible cramps, but I do get those from time to time. Rather creepy... ANYHOW! What I'm talking about is me feeling super ultra extra perverted. Well, yes, I'm like that most of the time, but I'm talking about that I'm super horny. Yup, the joy of being a guy. Yup, when my mind is not distracted by work or good conversation, it'll wander and then BOING. It's rather annyoing. If I don't get my mind away from such sexual thoughts then I have to do something about it. Come on, folks. I'm 22 years old (not that it is old to most people)! What do you want? Why, yes! I whack off! Oh, like you haven't done it before! ... Well, unless you're young, then your excused. And there's no hurry to try, kids. Sure, it's not the greatest thing but what'cha gonna do? Besides, did you know that if a male masturbates or has sex at least once a day, they can reduce their risk of prostate cancer when they get older? Oh, those silly scientists! What's really annoying are the dreams. Egad! Is there a time in the night that I can get up without "morning wood?" @.o;

So, why am I telling all of this? Well, as I've stated before, it's my journal so I can write (type) whatever is on my mind. Well, I don't really discuss it with my friends. They show no interest so I don't bring it up. Of course, the only conversation I can hold are perverted ones. Wait... just like the "gay" thing. SEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEX! ... ::immature:: >D But, hey, things happen so I just feel like writing it. Like a way to relieve tension? ::shrugs:: Now don't get me wrong, I'm not whining or bitching... well, maybe bitching, but again, I'm just writing what's on my mind. ... and the fact that I have 15 minutes before my shift begins.

So, what point am I trying to make? Well, I'M A 22 YEAR OLD PERVERTED HORNY MALE WITH ONLY ONE THING... or two... ON MY MIND!!!! ^_^ Am I proud of it? ::shrugs:: I don't care! It doesn't bother me. It comes and goes. ::snickers:: ... And "pervertedness" is not a word, Jon. You say "perversion." Damn, my English REALLY sucks now. ^^;

I dunno why, but I felt really hyper last night and was being a dork. Speaking of last night, I forgot to mention that I was doing more sprite work! I only spent a good hour trying to prepare another animation, this one being his attack motion. The way it works is you create the character motion for their method of attack and then you create the weapon animations separately. So, when you're in battle, whatever you use, the weapon is imposed over the attack animation. WEEEEEEEE~! There are currently two problems with it, though. The attack animation moves very slowly and whenever the character attacks, there is a blank sprite jump before they attack. I can't figure out what it is yet, but I'm sure it's a simple solution. Heck, I had a dream where I realized instead of 3 frames of animation (that's the official number of frames) it was suppose to be 4! That's why it was skipping. Oh, what a silly dream. Wow, even my own personal work I'm having nightmares of. @.o; I debating if I should show off these sprites or not being that I should protect my work. I'll probably show the standing animation at least. What will be even more interesting is to voice to everyone's attack. >D Time to test my and my friends' acting skills! ... Well, that's a long way off. I know I'm prepared! Dunno about my friends. Maybe I should tell them, first. ^_^;;;

I had a couple of other dreams that were not perverted last night. One was a repeat of a dream I had ages ago. Only the subconscious remember. ^_^ The other was some art contest. Both involving me, the girls and the twins. >D The art contest one is kinda funny actually as I look back on it. I'll have to post these later as my shift is about to begin!

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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