Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
This Weekend

Pridictable story this time. Oh, the inside joke here is that I seriously do suffer horrible chest cramps from time to time. ... So, it's something I shouldn't really joke about. Kinda like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. o.o;

Bleh. Here's that sketch I was speaking of earlier. I forgot I had a sketch folder on the account. ^^ Gotta remember to start saving there again. Right, anyhow, also attached to the image is the picture I based the outfit on. I was surfing JDorama for hairstyles when I came across her outfit. I liked it and swiped it! >D Got stealing!

I'm lacking motivation again to do anything. >.< What on earth is sapping my energy. ... ... Aliens! It's gotta be!

Ah, yes, it was a very productive weekend! I did laundry. I watched anime with friends. ... I watched more anime. Went to sleep. Woke up the next day. Watched more anime. Went out with friends for lunch. Came home and... watched more anime! Yes, probably the only productive thing I have done is work on a character sketch that has been in my mind for over a week. For a while, all I had was just her body outline! But, she's no longer nekkid! She now has clothes! @.@ Um... I probably won't show it off till it is complete.

But, yes, as I was saying, it was an anime filled weekend. Well, it was only Tennis no Oujisama that I watched with friends and One Piece on my own. I went completely through the Krieg/Sanji storyline and the Arlong/Nami storyline. I'm currently in the middle of the Smoker/Luffy storyline as everyone rushes after Luffy to the Grand Line.

So, a few things about watching more of this series. Zoro and Sanji are such bad asses, but I'll take Zoro over Sanji as he doesn't really take much crap while Sanji is too busy chasing women. Now that I actually got to see Mihawk, I found him to be interesting. And Nami's storyline was so freakin' sad! ;_; As I was watching more and more of that storyline, I couldn't wait to see Luffy kick Arlong's ass! >D It was a kick ass scene when Nami asked for Luffy's help and Zoro, Sanji and Usopp were waiting for him. Then they leave together as a group of bad asses. I remember Roo bringing this up in the manga. I'm sure it was even cooler looking there. >D Yes, and... Tashigi has shown up! ::swoon:: I'm not sure if it's because she has a cute design, a ditzy clutz, a swordsman, or if it's just the glasses. o.@; But yes! ... oh, um... Squeal? ^^;

I'm sure I had more to say, but I don't remember. Oh well, I must be off! WHOOSH!


Well, Hisa-chan, I'm sure if you can sneak into my friend's house, you can steal it from her. Just use your ninja skills, right?

That's right, Ikari. Nothing like characters that serve no purpose! ^_^

GASP~! My Mistress has posted a comment! This journal has been blessed! N... no need to apologize! It's okay! ::bow bow:: I am glad you are satisfied with my works that are dedicated to you! ... ... I got this horrible image that I was Sanji there for a minute. ^^;;;


3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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