Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003
The Sounds of My Eyes Being Gouged Out

Finished another quickie pic. From now on, I think I'll link all finished art to my DeviantArt account. If you have problems with DA, you can still find the art in the directories of my MTA account. But, yeah. Have a new goal: Try to clean out my incomplete directory and finish them pics.

Keep forgetting to talk about the recent albums I purchased.

First off, while it's still fresh in my mind, will be the Sword of Mana (Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu) Premium Soundtrack. A little history for you folks. This title is actually a remake of the first Seiken Densetsu title on the Game Boy back in the early 90's. Course, few don't know much about this little treasure being the first Mana title when it hit the states. This was during the time that Final Fantasy was very big in the States, so Square new that it would be best to market off their major title. Seiken Densetsu, or Legend of the Holy Sword, was renamed as Final Fantasy Adventure. And for those of you who have had the chance of playing this great title know how wonderful it was. Heck, I even remember me and my brothers taking turns playing it on trips visiting my relatives. Anyhow, about the album. I wasn't actually pleased with the remake of the soundtrack. I don't know whether it was Kenji Ito or the lacking sound quality of the Game Boy Advance. It was great to hear the classic tracks with somewhat higher quality sounds, but I felt Kenji could have done a little more in remixing the tracks. I haven't checked out the Piano Collection that came with the soundtrack, BUT I did check out the special CD that you get if you ordered the special Premium Version of the soundtrack. ... This was the most upsetting specialty that I have ever come across so far. It was an additional CD with one arragned track. ... ONE track. Not only is it just ONE track, but it barely reaches a time span of 2 minutes!!! WTF!??? In the end, okay soundtrack for it's limited sound quality but felt the remixing of tracks could have been better.

Next CD on the list is B'z's album, Green. What can I say? It's B'z! It's great! ... That's it!

For the final CD, it's Many Pieces by Every Little Thing. And for my comment, I would like to say MY GOD HAS ELT IMPROVED! This is one hell of an change from their previous albums. The change was noticable in their previous album 4FORCE, but this is an even greater improvement on that. One thing I notice and REALLY LOVE is they are focusing more on guitars and drums over synth. =9 I mean, they still use synth to an extent, like in their ballad tracks. But, yeah, I've never listened to an ELT album over and over in a while. Last time I did that was back when I was really into their Pop style. But this. Wow! I recommend you check out AMBIVALENCE and Self Reliance. Also, I would recommend jump, but check out the single version as it sounds better. But, yes... Me like very much. Mmmm... ::snuggles his album:: >D

Well, that's it from this award winning reviewer. ^^


Yeah, Yuki, and there's never a cop around to pull them over. >.> Speaking of logos, I hate seeing these Calvin and Hobbes rip offs. Like him taking a piss when the original picture was just him with his hand in his pocket. Or just recently, I saw a new one of Calvin and Hobbes smoking the good stuff. >.< Grr... Well, anyhow, you are on my "cool" people list... which... well, okay, I don't have a list. =p

Makes sense, huh, Ikari? Meanie! =p

Well, excuse me Journalist Roo! =p Anyhow, I don't surf the web as much as you do. ... You're a meanie, too. >p

I drew something! WOW! It's Sakurai Meiru (Mayl) from Rockman.EXE (Megaman Battle Network). Since the cast hasn't grown up for 4 years, I decided to add a little age to her. Meaning, she's a teenager now which makes her prime jail bait. MWAHAHAHAHAH! ::is killed by fangirls:: o.O; Nothing too spectacular about this pic. I had a heck of a time with her pose because it was a position that I'm not use to. It was mainly her legs that bothered me. And... dag nabbit. Her head looks big. Meh. As for the CGing. Quickly thrown together using 1-bit scanning and the pencil tool in Photoshop. I was aiming to keep the cell shading style. Now if I can just finish the 1000+ other pics that are incomplete.

To all the skinny white boys that keep posting pictures of themselves either nekkid or shirtless at DeviantArt:


If there was ever a reason to gouge out my eyes and toss them in the trash, this would be it. At least EAT something so we don't have to see your rib-cage! As a skinny white boy, myself, we are not pretty to look at. If that's suppose to be "art" then please express it elsewhere!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~!

Why, yes, this is a new entry. And probably last if I don't survive the horror that is burned into my brain. @.o;

Right, well... I'll be back later with more than just a rant. ^^

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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