Thursday, Sept. 04, 2003
Good and Bad But Better

I seriously do have a hard time understanding. ^^ Yes, a serious jab at myself. At least I'm admitting it. @.o;

Gots another old piece of art that was incomplete that is now.. I guess complete. ^^ I read DA's guidelines and I guess it could fall under them as art. I mean, it was done at somebody's request. It's not distasteful or pornographic. Just a nude person. ::shrugs:: We'll see if it stays.

MWAHAHAHAH! Like the stupid techno geek that I pretend to be, I now have hooked up the Receiver to the living room television. >D What does this mean? SUPER ULTRA KICK ASS SOUND! But, yeah, having the computer hooked to the TV is fun, because it's now the ultimate entertainment system. DVDs, Videos, CD Player, Any video game system to my desire (minus the current 3D next gen systems) and much more. It's great! Hell, I was using it so I could play Rockman 5 for the PSX since my modded Playstation won't accept it nor will any of the GameShark bypass codes work. It's swanky. ... Damn, wish I was welcomed into Roo's and Steph's Dream House so I could make a true home for it. =p

Weeee... added a new section to the art directory on the MTA account. Since I spend my time doing other forms of art, mainly for the company, I decided to post what I have done for them in the past year. So, yes, I have now added the "Job Artwork" directory. So, if you're interested in the crap I have done, there it is. My recent stuff has dramatically changed from when I first started. Gah, I can't believe I produced such crap for publication. @.o;

You know, I haven't done a screen capture in a while. Well, was surfing some Japanese gaming sites and came across a nugget of joy from a Taito simulation game. I'd tell you the title but, well, my Japanese sucks. Hell, I can't even hold a conversation with a grade-schooler! @.o; Anyhow, I saw this and thought this was TOO easy...

Yeah, comedy gold. ^^ Mmm... apparently me and the girls have episodes of Tennis no Oujisama to watch this weekend. I'll have to keep my eyes open for more classic captures. >D

RANT! I'm am fucking sick and tired of being some computer tech for this company. Especially when the tech guy gets an attitude at and is actually mad at me for NOT knowing some shit about the servers here. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you FUCKING people!? Just cause I know some things about computers, you all think I'm some FUCKING computer genius!? MY GOD! Get a FUCKING clue already! Your expectations of me are FUCKING too high. FUCK! This is one shitty morning. ... ARGH! ... Reasons for leaving this company only get better and better. >.> ... I'm sorry for all the explicitives... but damn. This just really pissed me off. ::huff::

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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