Monday, Sept. 08, 2003
Departures and other things

Yeah, already notice a problem with my pic. Her body looks too long. Darn it. Well, practice makes perfect, right?

Oh, one thing I failed to mention is that I have added a couple of friends to the side bar: Akatora (Jane) and Carol. I've known Jane back from high school when we took Japanese class together. Carol, who is a friend of Jane and Kristina's (Pegasus), I met through.. well, them. She's a very talented artist. Don't let her words fool you. She is TALENTED. She just go herself a tablet so expect many wonders from her. ^_^ Right, yes, well, bed, now.

Well, finished the final sketch and inked my picture of the nude couple (though it's only the female you see mainly. ^^;). Remember, I was a little more bold in this pic, but I put a mosaic over the "problem" area. ^^; Speaking of which, as I was researching... uh, this area, Roo walked on in wanting the CD case of anime videos. Of course, my first instinct as always is, "OH DEAR GOD! Hide the evidence!" So, I'm spazzing as I'm trying to close windows quickly as she's walking in. Well, she was basically already in as I was closing windows. ^^ Gah, I'm such a dork. That's little brother for ya, huh, Roo? I'm sure my face was very red as we exchanged words. If not, I still felt the blood rushing to my face. #^_^#;;; My friend, Carol, said it was really good, so that made me happy. But, still, I would love to hear everyone else's comments on the piece.

Well, after this, gonna finish a couple request... Oh, wait, a new one just came up. Three. And then I plan on looking at male models to play around with the male figure. Damn men for having defined muscle structure. @.@

To the person who tried to message me on AIM on Monday, September 8, a little before 10:00pm CST: Sorry for ignoring you. The "Accept Message" dialog popped up while I was talking with someone else, so as I hit space, I hit "Cancel" to that dialog. Sorry!

I was using my cell phone to pay my cell bill when I noticed that I had a voice message. I checked it out and it was Kristina sound all sad and saying good-bye before she leaves for Japan. Even though it'll just be a year, I wanted to cry because I'm such an emotional sap. ;_; But, yeah... I was kicking meself for not thinking of just driving over there at 4:30am to see her before she left for the airport. It's always too late when I think of these things. Darn it. Well, again, at least I have e-mail. Super poo...

Not being able to see Kristina off or say farewell sucked so much that I even had a dream about it. Well, I dreamed that I went to school, (I guess cause I heard a lot of college talk from me pals) and there she was. We were all "Yeah!" and stuff and hugged and whatnot. I never did get the reason out of her as to why she was still in the US. ::shrugs:: Other things happened, too, like the teacher of a programming/math course he gave me hell.

Speaking of which, the dreamed mixed into a job-related one, too. I was in some king of auditorium with people setting up panels for some kind of show. Well, I designed some super swanky panels and my boss comes up. She looks them over and decides it's not what she wants. With this decision, she tosses them out. That made me pissed. There was more, but I don't remember. ^^ The end.

No, I don't have any of Steph's porn here whoever was doing a search for it. =p

As I look at my latest pic, I realized that one of her legs like rather.... large. I'll have to adjust that.

Like I said earlier, I was going to do something with nekkidness and I did. I'm actually proud of this one's figure. And be worn, I have taken it a bit further in what is shown. It has a mosaic but still I figured I'd warn ya. It's only in the sketching phase and still much incomplete being that it is now past midnight. I mainly have the hardest parts for me left: the hands and feet. I'll have all evening to deal with that tomorrow. But, yeah, again, proud of the figure. Course, I would still like pointers from you folks out there. ^_^

Well, since Little Crapper is not safe to drive at night, I was unable to say farewell to my friend Kristina who is leaving to Japan for a year. Totally sucks major ass. At least we'll still be able to communicate by e-mail. I hope she'll be alright being that she's scared about going to a different country. Well, after a while, I'm sure she'll be fine and then she'll not want to come back. At least she can see our pal Ruri who moved back to Japan a few years back. But, yeah... thank goodness for today's technology to help us pals keep in contact. ^_^


LOL, Roo. I'd be sick if the world was full of DDs. I don't understand why people get their kicks off the crying women during sex thing, though. >.> It's suppose to be something sensual and of pleasure. ... Course, a romantic sap like me would say that. @.@ I know it's not suppose to be disgusting because, um.... yeah. Stuff. Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to apply that to the next pic. ^_^ My curiousity is filled with more knowledge. Yum. @.@

Living with you too long, Roo? I don't it's been long enough. =p Me? One of the girls? TEE HEE~! Let's have a slumber party! Paint our toenails and gossip! If I get those fuzzy slippers and fluffy robe, can we have one!? >D OW! ::rubs cheek:: You pinch hard. o.o#;

Blurb of words, Roo? Looks fine to me. I can read it with no issues.

If you're not spamming, then what do you call it, Roo?

Roo, really?

... yeah, I did this on purpose. I found it amusing to reply like this. ... LAUGH! @.@

Reading Roo's comments, I now want to try something with the nekkidness. And I can't wait for us girls to have our slumber party! TEE HEE! ... ... >.>

Nooooo~!!! Little Crapper (my car) is dying!!! ;_; Last week when I was starting the car, there was barely any power going to it to even start the engine. This was when rain was pouring down in the middle of a parking lot. It was misreble. >.> The same thing happened today while in the parking lot of Taco Bell (where I forgot to bring moeny to buy food with). The best of it was when I was driving down one of the major roads in this town with lots of Sunday drivers, the power to my car died (not the engine). Luckily, the light was red so I coasted up to it. Actually, when that happened, the first thought that went through my mind was test the brakes. Luckily, the breaks aren't electrical, so the worked or else I would have been screwed. As I was coasting up to the light, the power came back and I was relived. Well, to an extent. I was still worried being that I wasn't close to home, yet. BUT to top it off, my automatic locks don't work anymore. WAAAAAA~~~~HHHH!!! Dammit, I'm gonna have to buy a new car very soon. ;_;

Oh, but that's not everything. One of my teeth has entered a new phase of rotting which is not good. And I can't afford the dentist to do anything about it. Gah, this sucks! Damn this need for money.

So, yeah, the girls and I want to make a trip to Germany next year, but I'm thinking I should leave myself out of that picture. I knew I would regret buying this new computer. >.>

4 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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