Tuesday, Oct. 01, 2002
Something's Not Right...

Update: And the rest
Well, the rest of the day came and went. The morning was going okay and the first half of the afternoon zoomed by. Had a meeting with one of our tech people about moving some things to an interactive CD. We spent a couple of hours talking about it and I didn't realize it until we were done. ^^ Then my bro (who happens to work at the same place that I do) came to me and showed me an order from one of our annoying vendors. It was another massive order which I don't have the stock to fulfill. What really gets under my skin is that the purchase order for it was dated the 23rd of September and the Packing List wanted us to ship it the same day. Well, THANKS for the heads up, pal. Yeah, so my boss was pissed but she tried to set up a manufacturing schedule for me to where I wouldn't have to do as much overtime. I glad she's being kind about this unlike last time where I had to haul ass to get out his previous order. I suppose cause she was pissed at him, too.

So, pulled a little overtime since Roo was working late. Something that crossed my mind while I was in the back was how we were suppose to go grocery shopping tonight, though we were suppose to do it the night before. I was very tired cause it was a Monday and I didn't sleep well the night before, so we didn't go and she ordered pizza. Well, I ordered the pizza and she paid for it. ^^; Anyhow, so I was feeling guilty as I worked in the back cause I knew she was going to be tired, too, for her overtime and here we were, suppose to be going grocery shopping. I figured, well, hell, I'll treat her to Fuddruckers (a hamburger resturant for those folks that don't know [not fast food]) on Wednesday night. So, went and picked her up. She asked if I was hungry cause she was and I nodded. Well, I was gonna have a leftover fish sandwich before I left my job, but I'm glad I didn't. Turns out I screwed up on her schedule for the week, thinking she was doing overtime on Wednesday night. I bring up my offer of Fuddruckers and she agrees. So, off we go, to just chill and stuff. Depending how she is on Thursday, I think I'll treat her to something else. Mmm... guess this means we'll go shopping on Friday. ^^

Short topics here and there. I told her about my dentist appointment which led to her asking about my dental history. After explaining about my weak, pathetic teeth, she told me I need to take better care of myself. ^^;;; Aye, so she wants me to start taking some vitamins. Gadzooks, I left my parents for this exact reason! Nah, I'm kidding, Roo. =p So, yeah, I'm gonna start woofing down some vitamins, except for the Vitamin C one. I'll start getting myself some O.J. for that. I need something to replace the breakfast that I haven't been eating. We finished making a mess and went on our way.

After a little resting at home, Roo whipped out the DDR pad since it has been getting dusty. And what do I hear? Her jumping 20 feet as she screams at a roach. Well, I don't mean the screaming of that would break glass, but more of a shock scream, I guess. Anyway, up to the heroic Jon to stop the evil fiend with my trusty Golden Boot. Roo, standing on the coach, tells me it's under the DDR pad. I pull the mat out of the way and proceed to smacking. Damn sucker didn't want to die. Curse these southern roaches. After three attempts, the little thing was dead. I swung a fourth time for extra measure. So, yeah, nothing like being a hero. ^^ Sorry if I embarrassed you, Roo. Not like many people read this, anyhow. =p

That about sums up the day. Other than that, kinda just surfed the net. It's been a good evening and I'm happy about that. Since I'm not really being productive, I figure I'll go play some Kingdom Hearts. I've gotta beat it now since, Roo did.

Oh, there were a couple of dreams I was gonna talk about, but here's my main rant about that. Two different dreams and I walked in on someone who was getting dressed. Complaint? Can't you people close your doors in my dreams!??? =p

Man, I can't stop listening to Taka-san's image song, "Burning Heart" from the TeniPuri singles. ^^;;; Dork> Yes I am. Take care everyone! ^_^

Mmm... Something is not right with me. I don't understand it. I've been doing really good lately, been in very high spirits, enjoying life at where it stands. Then all of a sudden, last night, I fell into a fit of depression. I'm down and feel like there's something missing, but what? Like I've said, I've been happy lately and enjoying the direction of life... Mmm... Well, as usual, I'm sure it'll blow over. I've been hyped about my RPG, loving Kingdom Hearts and happy with the company of my friends (well, when applicable =p), so what on earth is missing? Blarg... Well, it's only the beginning of the day. I'll be sure to be on a happier note later tonight. See ya folks!


0 mints on my pillow.

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