Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003
I hate LOVE you Capcom

Nothing special today. Just played games. Was actually not a bad day at work. Well, minus the part of me and my boss not agreeing on some package artwork. Well, not that matters anyhow, since the name we were using is already trademarked. >.< So, the logo I created? Trash. I like to know the hell my boss waited to the last minute to find out about this especially since all artwork has to go to press next week! ::rolls eyes:: So, yes. That sucks. Once again, I'm on the receiving end of the crunch time.

Driving home today, got the AC running, listening to me RPG mix, not really thinking about my job. I started getting an odd feeling in myself when a little more than halfway home. The roof of my mouth had a dry feeling and started to have a hard time breathing. This did not settle well with me. So, what is the first thing that goes through my mind? Gotta get home, NOW. I began to take deep breaths, controlling my breathing so I knew I was breathing. ^^ Panic didn't take long to follow. During this panic, I questioned myself if I was overreacting, being that I spaz about anything that goes wrong with me. But, I don't think I was being that I began to feel light headed. I cranked up the AC to max to see if that helped. Nothing. So, I rolled down the windows. Still no good. Luckily, I got home and sat down for a little bit. Roo suggested it was because of the heat and I would assume so as I felt better not long after. A little uncomfortable, but better. So, yes, so ends another exciting day in my happy life! Weeee~! Fun, huh? ... ... Okay, so life is boring. Sue me. =p

Zero (Fatal Frame) 2! Now with sisterly HLA! >D Oh, come on! Like you don't see it happening!

This should be the true national anthem for America. It will surely spell fear in all that oppose our great nation! =p Some of you will get the joke, some won't. Either way, you have to listen to it completely to the end. >D

Porn! Hot leg spreading action!! And GAY SEX!!! What does this all mean!??? ... I seriously need to get laid! ... Or find better catalogs... Er... I mean... o.O;

But, yeah, a quickie (Riku x Sora) I whipped up for my wittle friend, Steph, who has been ill and is on the road to recovery. I just wish I could have done a better job for her. Maybe CGing it will help, though it'll mostly be skin tones. ^^; ::shrugs:: So, yeah, enjoy the gay smut. Oh, the first two links are the previous pics of the ladies I did. ENJOY! ^_^;

::sneaks off to the bathroom with a Sears catalog:: @.@;

Holy crap! This news is better than sex!

"Capcom USA announced they will release Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GameCube and PlayStation 2 in February 2004, a compilation of classic Mega Man titles, include Mega Man 1 - 8 and the two Mega Man arcade games Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. In addition to games, the compilation will also include a collection of Mega Man TV commercials, interviews and history of the Mega Man series."

Source: The Magic Box

Capcom better be smart and do ports of the PSX remakes of Rockman. >D

"C" is for Cookie that's good enough for me. Yum...


GRRRRR~~~~!!! ART FRUSTRATING!!! I was literally gnawing on may hand out of frustration! ... ::grumble:: >.>

I guess I'm just suppose to sit on my ass and do nothing this weekend. HEY! Who ever is writing my pre-destined fate, you forgot a few pages! >.>

Right, bed... my destiny calls.

Once again tried being productive today, but could not bring myself to be motivated to do anything. So, I played some Rockman 5 for the PSX and got to the very end of Blues' Castle. And for some odd reason, as a kid, I don't remember the final boss of his castle being so hard. So, got my ass kicked three times with doing much harm to the boss, EVEN with the correct weapon to use. Yes, three ass kickings in a row is enough for me to call it quits. I hate you Capcom.

So, just got finished playing Battle Network 3 and I am at Wily's Fortress. All over the "Net" portion of his base are guardians that will take you to the beginning of the area you are currently in. Well, let's just say that these guardians can be annoying when clustered together in a group. And after getting pass all of that, I don't have the key to open the gate. ... I hate you Capcom.

But, I'll have my revenge! Oh yeah! You know it Capcom, Rock and Blues are scewing each other in robot incest! X and Zero!??? Screwing! Let's not forget Forte to add to the hot robot ORGY!!! WHAHAHAHAHA! So, scew you Capcom as I draw your robots screwing each other with their robotic organs of godly SEX!!! ... ... @.@

And no, I'm saying this just cause I suck at their games. ::cough:: No, really. ^^

(Please note: This is to not be taken seriously as I do really like Capcom's games and I just wanted to post something silly since I have nothing else to do with my life. Well, besides mad robot porn. Thank you. @.@)

1 mints on my pillow.

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saint purin
son gosai

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